
The roads of our lives come with no maps. No signs to tell us when to yield, when to stop, or when to go. Streets, alleys, and highways are forged as we drive along. There are crossroads, and choices to be made. There are u-turns, and detours. Sometimes we take the expressway, and other times the local. Sometimes its sunny, and sometimes it rains. But we keep driving. We keep driving. We drive and we drive, until one day our engine dies. Where did the road lead us? What was our destination? What was our purpose?

21 years. 21 years i have spent on these planet. What have i done? What have I achieved. Why am i here? I am driving, but it is foggy outside. I am trying to defrost, but my efforts are fruitless. Everything you do, everyone you love... what does it matter? Who will remember, and moreover who will care? Most of us drive along paved roads, there are few that create the beaten path. No ones journey is alike, after all we are all unique. But aren't most of our destinations the same. How many people's name, talent, and legacy have stood the test of time? Not many. But the few that did, made there own beaten path. They went where no one else dared, did things people didn't think to do: they made their own signs and by doing so determined their own destination. I want to leave this road that i am travelling. I am done. I am so bogged down by all these traditional trappings- their shackles are too tight. Society and its implications have determined my road. From today i determine my path. I may not be able to leave my mark, but i will have known that my destination was my own. I will make my own choices on my own accord. Let people think what they want. My road is my own, and i drive alone.


  1. Nandita? are you okay? if you need any let me know. haha no I'm joking. I went through the same thing. I never knew you felt that way. Your right about everything. Did you get all of this from a book or is this your writing? I'm assuming..I'm just throwing a wiiild guess...that you're going to write a book one day. or maybe 2 days, or three. Maybe a whole collection of them. ..that are aimed at college students facing road blocks or speed bumps. It's hard going against society like when I dropped out b4. I've known it since I approached my hs graduation but was never strict about doing it until recently. I had to stop listen to everyone telling me that what I wanted to do or how I planned on doing it was stupid or impossible. I knew what I wanted to do, I knew why I wanted to do it, and I knew what I had to do if I did drop out. But, the problem was...what if I mess up? I had the confidence, the determination, the focus, and the commitment within to do what I had to do without giving up, but...what if things REEALLLY didn't work out? That's what stopped me for 4 years. It almost seemed like a 50/50 chance even though my 100% was into achieving my goal. The reason it was stopping me tho was that my life was great! there was nothing wrong, I had everything I needed and great parents that treated me well. I had no problem giving it up to achieve what I wanted to, but it was a major risk. Things happen in the real world that we have no control over and without anything to fall back on, your screwed. But that's the risk that I would have to take. I grew up in business; I'm a risk taker. So then I did it.
    It was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. I had to face my great parents who have always taught me right and have busted their ass to keep me and my sister happy...that I was dropping out and that they had to face the reality because I wasn't going to go back. I had to make sure they knew that it was my final decision and there was no turning back unless I say so myself. I had to take control of my life.

    So yea, everything you said in that blog was right. Do what you have to do Nandita. If you need strength to do it, whatever it is, you have me...someone who has already gone against society. You have to realize.. that if you feel your different from everyone, that you want to be extaordinary, that you live among ordinary people...You're going to be surounded by common thought. Every famous or successful person has been surrounded by common people and their ordinary thoughts/oppositions. Think about what life was like for Bill gates, Barack Obama, J.K. Rowlings when they were younger. They were nobody. They blended in with the millions of other people out there who led normal lives. They worked to set themselves apart by believing in themselves even if no1 else did. But it does require hard work, sacrificing everything else, and keeping a focused mind. They are WAY too many distractions out there..especially now-a-days from the internet, your friends, and even family. That's where sacrificing comes in. Don't sacrifice everything, but sacrifice 90% of it. Everything will be there later once you achieve your goal.

    Do it Nandita do it! I like seeing people succeed. I hate people who do nothing in life. Its like they think God placed them on earth to do nothing but enjoy life. Of course you have to enjoy it, but you still have to do something to leave your mark.

  2. I believe you are a prime example of breaking free from the 'do what is expected from you mentality'. What you did takes courage, willpower, and confidence. I appauld you and your efforts and you serve as an inspiration not only to me, but I am sure others. You have inspired to blog on this topic once more, and deeper explore my thoughts! thanks for the motivation!

    and Thanks for identifying with my post! These words are all my own... I quote when I borrow words. And thank you for believing I could possibly even write one book/novel...that is a compliment beyond measure!


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