The Good and The bad

This week seems to be testing me left and right, we got some horrible news this afternoon that J Ben was shot some time last night. THANK GOD she didn't suffer any fatal injuries, and I think she will be okay (physically) but how traumatizing!! My heart aches for the youngins. I can not even imagine how horrible it must feel for them to see their mom go through this, and how scary it must be for them as well. I am praying for her speedy recovery, and strength to overcome this crazy experience. :/

On a brighter note, yesterday was Yera's graduation! I am so super proud of her, and seeing her give the commencement speech was absolutely amazing and just brought tears to my eyes. I still remember playing with barbies at the playground like it was yesterday, and then to see her in her Doctorate cap and gown was surreal. I am excited for her, and this next chapter of her life!

Speaking of new chapters, tomorrow Yera and I move home after many years. Mummy is very excited which is def cute. I don't really know how I feel about it. Initially, I wondered if I was taking a step back...but now, I just think of it as a pause. And even after all that went down professionally (still dealing with it *insert serious rolling of eyes*), I feel so grateful that I got to live out a dream of working and living in NYC!! And not just the hospital dream, but the office dream as well! Today while running errands for the new position, I ended up biking from WTC up to upper east side and back down. Saw so much of the city...also almost died like 10x. Probably never going to bike the streets without a helmet again!! But seriously, it was kinda a nice way to end my time here in NYC. 

Ok so much to write about, but also getting bored of writing. Lol I am such a slacker, and I still have to pack. Till next time!


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