Nurse Nandita

Last night, I independently administered my first blood transfusion! It felt awesome to remember the protocol, go through all the steps, and execute the procedure with minimal mishaps. I am definitely becoming more confident with my nursing skills. What's better, is that my confidence is not going unrecognized. The other day, I was on the phone with the doctor discussing a patient, and at the end of the phone call he said "I trust your judgment Nandita, if you need anything, call". I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This well established and well respected doctor trusted my judgment, and I know he wouldn't have said it, unless he meant it. I really have come a long way since I started working as nurse, and there is so much more to go!

I remember when I first started, even the thought of catheterizing a patient freaked me out. Now its one of the easiest things I can do all shift. Wound Vacs, starting IV's, multiple antibiotics, G-tube feedings, blood transfusions, code situations, etc were all skills I learned on the floor. Truth is, I don't want to stop this learning process. Each new skill/knowledge/procedure I learn, challenges me and excites me. I love my unit, my patient population, my coworkers...but I am getting comfortable. I am thirsty to experience and learn new things. There is a whole world of acute care nursing I need to explore!

I started taking training courses, in addition, to my online program. The neuro module I took last week was amazing! The discussion between the different types of strokes, their presentations, and approach to treatments was so relevant to my current practice. I am taking an EKG/Pharmacology class this week, and then ACLS in December (hopefully I pass!). I interviewed with the CCU, and I got the job contingent on whether they have a budget for a residency program. I am hoping and praying that they do! If I get into the CCU, the experience I would receive there would be invaluable. If I can get even a year's worth of CCU experience under my belt, plus my BSN by the end of career opportunities will be limitless!

Excited, proud, and making it happen,



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