The good, The bad, and The awkward!

Last week was quite nice (until the weekend), I had the oppurtunities to catch up with darshak, guddi, and rushang. I received a bonus at the clinic, and I was asked to work extra shifts at both jobs so basically my September vacation is more than covered and I can throw it down guilt free! I worked out, brought a cute shirt, watched reruns of SATC, really it was a nice week until...

The last two days have been mentally exhausting. Yera and I were home for the weekend, and because of yera's stupidity, we experienced every daughter's nightmare. Now my parents and I have a pretty open relationship. They are quite liberal and understanding about most things. They know we go out, that we date, that we drink, etc. But there are just some things you do not want your parents to know!!!! Besides the fact that it is terribly awkward, it something that they do not understand. My parents have raised us well, and I would never want to give them the impression that we are not living by the morals they have instilled in us. It was so hard verbalizing this sentiment to them, and trying to make them understand life and dating in the current day and age. Everything ended OK, I don't think they understand where I am coming from, but they are tolerant as always. What saddens me is that home has always been my place of comfort. When anything goes wrong in my life and I felt like I was down in the dumps, I knew I could always go home and feel better. But the last few months, going home has been some what mentally draining. I end up crying almost every single time. I just want to return to a time when being home was something I enjoyed and looked forward to. I love my parents, they are my rocks, and I know they mean best for me but sometimes a girl just needs to live and learn on her own terms. I have faith that peace and harmony will return to our relationship, it is just going to take some time and patience on both our ends.

On a happier note, this week is going to be great! Bday dinner tonight for Rupesh in the city! Thursday is the JP reunion in new Brunswick with all the ladies, and Friday is the JAYZ/JT concert at Yankees Stadium!! Can I get a hell yeah?!?! As for my mancation, I did well last week but this week the universe is conspiring against me! My number was given to some pharmacist dude in NYC by a family friend. And now I have to politely find a way to decline it. And two other people have tried setting me up as well. Calm down people, don't you know I am on a mancation????!!!! Oh well, will just have to find a way to decline them. Which accordingly to my mom I am the queen of rejecting men...I guess I just have to live up to my title :)

Signing off for today, but there are so many other  things I want to address, I will make a list here so I don't forget!

1. Rushang's analysis of my love life
2. My thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case

P.S. I had the most obnoxious patient over the weekend. For the most part, I like all my patients (some more than others). Sometimes the families are difficult, but really most of patients have been pleasant. I rarely have a patient I dislike, but I could not stand this guy!! He was an Indian man in his 50's. Completely alert and oriented. He actually had very good motor function in all his extremities. He had some residual weakness and pain from the disease process but really he was quite capable of performing all ADL's independently or with minimal assist. He was the most demanding son of a gun. He wanted everything done for him, even tasks he could do by himself! He was so arrogant. He wouldn't take half his medications, he swear he knew what was good good for him and what wasn't. Like seriously dude you are not a doctor or healthcare professional, please stop googling stuff and trying to tell me what is right and wrong. To top things off he was racist and inconsiderate of his roommate. All I kept thinking was thank god I was born in a day and age where they don't do arranged marriages like they did back in the day, because if I got married to a bastard like that I would jump off a bridge. I felt so bad for his wife and daughter that they had to deal with a chauvinist asshole like him. But then again the wife seemed like a pretty docile creature so who knows maybe it works for them. All I know is I hope he is discharged by the time I have to go back!!!


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