
Today starts my official man-cation. From July 10-Aug 10 I will abstain from any romantic interactions with any men. Can I just say, I feel amazing. It is like someone lifted this heavy load off my shoulders. These past few weeks I have tormented myself with questions of  "what do I want" , "who do I want", & "do they want me". All the questions are answered. I know who I want, what I want, and how they feel about me. That person can't offer me what I want and need at this time, and that's fine, if its meant to be it will be. I have come to the conclusion that I need to have a little more faith in God's plan for me. He has never failed me thus far, why would he fail me now?! I don't know who I am destined to end up with, and when they will come into my life (or if they are already there) but I am sure as hell not stressing about it anymore. My fairytale will happen, I just to let life and God work its magic :)

So what I do have planned for this month off?

1. For starters, I am going to finally lose those 10 freaking pounds I have put on since I started working. I have already started exercising, but I am going to step up the frequency. Also, will try and do some strength training - at least once a week. The goal is to lose 10 pounds by the end of august. If however, I lose 15 pounds by my bday weekend I will be the happiest little son of gun out there!!! Just the thought of being at that weight puts a smile on my face :)

2. The last couple of days I have actually had time to cook! Something I was barely doing! I have always loved cooking, but between working, date nights, and dinner with friends and fam I was barely doing it. But I am going to try and cook atleast a couple times a week and that will help my weight loss efforts as well.

3. Catching up with friends. My guy friends are amazing, and unfortunately I had put them on the back burner to make time for my dating life. I look forward to catching up with them. Already have some catch up dinners planned, and I think a game night with all my peeps is def in order. Basically, more game nights, movie nights, girls nights out, yera date nights. Its going to be summer 2010 all over again!

4. Rose Rahman is coming to NYC at the end of july!!! I can't wait! It going to be a Miami reunion and its going to be EPIC.  We have been talking about this since we lived together and now its about to be a reality. And to make things even better Jasmine is here as well, and hopefully sofi can make a trip too. It will feel so good to see them, and be together again once again, I really cannot wait!

5. I got some fun things planned for the following month. We are going to try and make it to the jayz concert in NY (about 90% certain), rafting/tubing trip?, a weekend road trip, and fara's bachelorette trip (in Sept). And I am sure the list will grow as the week's plans formulate.

6. Being vain. I know this sounds ridiculous but I am going to pamper myself a little this month. For starters my skin has never looked better. My acne has been really behaving lately. So I will go ahead and reward my skin with a regular skin regimen, and maybe even try a professional skin facial. Also, my hair has also become quite long, a couple more inches and it will the length I want it to be. I will make sure to deep condition it regularly. I will moisturize, take my vitamins, drink lots of water, stretch my muscles after work, maybe even get a massage. Basically ensure my inner and outer beauty are in sync, and go ahead and do all those girly things most women do.

7. Return to volunteering. Something I really enjoy and haven't been doing much of. I am going to find some volunteer opportunities and put my free time to god use!

Basically, I am in a good place...physically, mentally, and emotionally :)

P.S. I am writing this in zombie mode. My third day in a row working at methadone, and this waking up at 4:30 business is taking its toll. By the time I fall asleep (2am) I have to get up. This job has my sleep schedule completely out of whack! ugh #lifeofanurse #partofthejob


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