Music and My Soul

Music is medicine. Medicine for the soul.

Our bodies are physical, tangible objects we can see and observe. Physical harm inflicted upon us can be readily seen and observed. But what about our mind? What about our soul? How can we assess the damage when those scars and wounds are so delicately hidden? How can we heal something so aptly concealed from our self?

We can seek solace in family, friends, and loved ones. We can mask the damage with drugs. Numb the pain with indifference. Who hasn't tried one of these methods or more? I know i have. But I have finally found my drug of choice... music. Eternal, mesmerizing, beautiful music. Whatever my trouble may be, there is something to be said for music.

My first experience with the power of music was at the age of thirteen. My uncle had passed away, and i was quite shattered. It was my first experience with death, and I did not know how to cope. During the wake, there were devotional songs playing in the background. Something within me found comfort in the music, the music that so beautifully captured my grief and made it its own. Music has the power to release you. How many of life's memories are so irrevocably bound to a song/ genre of music... so many. Happy moments, sad moments, moments of anger, moments of pain... is there not a song to express all those emotions and more?

Three years ago, I was lucky enough to come across an artist that had the ability to touch my soul. His music was able to reach the depths of my body and mind, and cleanse, heal, and revive. Last night I saw Karsh Kale perform live along with Vishal Vaid and company. I was completely and utterly taken aback. They were amazing! I was in a state of trance of nearly two hours, literally struggling to take in all the talent that was being showcased. The music was intoxicating, and I was drunk with emotion by the end of the night. Vishal's voice has the ability to transport you out of this world. My sister and I ended up having a great night. Joe's pub (the place where it was held) was very nice too. Great atmosphere, an older crowd, nice lighting, and the sound quality was good too. I will def be on the lookout for more Karsh kale/ and or Vishal Vaid performances! They are two truly mind blowing artists!!


  1. karsh kale was amazing :)and hahaha you may on the lookout for more karsh kale concerts but you're already missing one! (the one advertised on the subway) sorry but i will most definetly be there. maybe take some recordings and send them your way.

    his songs are healing esp. the album realize


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