Karsh Kale

I am so sleepy! The family and I were up till 2am yesterday making basundi for Sunday's lunch. The stuff is complicated, boiling all that milk and making sure it doesn't stick is tricky! But alas my mom said it turned out well so I guess it was worth it. But now i am pretty tired at work. Two nights of sleeping at 2/3 am takes a toll. Maybe that's why i am not super psyched that i am going to see KARSH KALE tonight! I just think i am in a sleep coma of sorts! i need to wake up! But anyways tonight should be great... I love Karsh Kale's music. It takes me to some exotic, peaceful, beautiful land found only in the movies and dreams. I love how is music is a compilation of so many cultures, styles, and sounds. He is eclectic and versatile, and full of surprises. I hope he does some of his work with vocals because those songs are my favorite! I am interested to see what he will do tonight!

Apart from that i am in quandary about to wear...i have so many clothes, some i haven't even worn yet, and for some reason i find i have nothing to wear. or rather nothing appeals to me. For some reason i brought a bunch of clothes that just have this horrible fit on me, and now i just don't want to wear them. And I need to go buy pants, jeans and regular slacks... but every time i go to the mall i am just unimpressed with the clothes. And the ones i do like are so expensive. i am such a shopaholic.

In other news the Miami Countdown has reached two weeks. TWO WEEKS??????!!! I don't think it has registered that I am leaving soon! I am ready to start studying (kinda) and get on with life but i don't think I am ready to leave. Also I am missing the family vacation which I am bummed about. Everyone is going to be there this time around! So many people from India and everywhere. BOOOOOOO!

Anyways, finally lunch break is here... I AM OUT!


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