HP6 Movie Review
Last night I went to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I was not impressed at all, actually i was really disappointed. I realize the books are long and detailed filled and that directors have to be selective with what they include and what they leave out, but seriously the director failed miserably.
1. first off Dumbledore is so poorly cast its disgusting. The one in the movie is too stern, rude, abrasive to be dumbledore. Dumbledore would never hint at HP's relationship with Hermione! He would never suggest that he should let 'slughorn collect him'! wtf that was not in the book, it wasn't even remotely suggested. Dumbledore would never demean Harry in that manner. To make matters worse, this movie was one movie where the actor dumbledore needed to step up his game, and he failed. Did the actor even read the books? Biggest disappointment in the movie hands down.
2. Ginny. Harry's love interest can not act for the life of her. She is so stoic, and lacking the spark needed to bring her character to life. and the love scenes between them... lets just say i liked the book version way better.
2. Ginny. Harry's love interest can not act for the life of her. She is so stoic, and lacking the spark needed to bring her character to life. and the love scenes between them... lets just say i liked the book version way better.
3. The burrow scene.... what the hell was that????????? totally unnecessary and unwarranted. the burrow was harry's safe haven, it was symbolic of something constant in harry's life. what they did went totally against what the burrow stood for and moreover served no real purpose.
4. They skipped the marvolo scenes that added so much to the story and plot. and they skipped dumbledore's funeral which would have added so much emotional depth to the movie. but alas this is what i would have liked...
things i did like about the movie:
1. some characters are so beautifully cast: harry, ron, hermione, snape, malfoy, hagrid, McGonagall, bellatrix, fred, george, and so many more. The have really grown into their characters, and taken them to next level.
2. MALFOY IS HOT!! wow! and the suits they put him in made him look great! they had such a great fit and looked fabulous on him. and he played his part very well. malfoy= two thumbs up!!!
3. the sets were beautiful as ever. quidditch scene was kickass, and the castle looked great, so did diagon alley.
overall, for those for are true harry potter fans... i.e. actually read the books... you will find the movie seriously lacking. For all the movie fans...who knows i guess you will like it? all i know is the director does no justice to Rowling's genius. =/
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