New Day, New Attitude!

So my mom won the war over the sheets, and I finally slept on my own bed last night! Thus I woke up refreshed and can i dare say... happy? Yes I am feeling quite good. It is sunny, and the view outside my living room window is strangely beautiful. My very own winter wonderland! Anyways today's schedule is a bit busier than the rest... I have physics lab today, which is kind of annoying. It is really easy, but kind of pointless. Pretty much just busy work. Besides that my day is a breeze. Oh by the way i began reading Henry James "turn of the screw" for class, and i can't seem to immerse myself. The book so far is quite boring, and moreover it is hard to understand what is going on. I ended up reading "Tuesdays with Morrie" last night, a second time read, after my friend let me borrow it. I realized that book is not that interesting the second time around! Oh let me talk about the music that is currently on repeat in my mp3. most of it is Indian only because I just came back from India and listened to mostly Indian music while i was there...

Maahi ve- Raaz 2
Tandoori Nights orignal and remix

I love these songs! If nothing else they will keep me in a good mood today! Anyways running late ... I have class at eleven and if i plan on being on time i should leave soon!


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