Change: Part 1

I really shouldn't be writing this. I have so much to do...I need to study, workout, clean, meet up with alex, answer a bunch of emails, fill out mortgage paperwork, and the list goes on. Even so, I want to document my thoughts while they are fresh in my head. This week I had my first experience working on the ICU floor, and it was intense! The first day on the unit was a whirlwind... my patient's BP wouldn't come up above 90/30! There were what seemed to be a million drips running, intermittent fluid boluses, new JP drain and ileostomy, hourly documentation of all events, etc... I could barely keep up. Not to mention I still had another patient! It is a completely different world up there. I walked out the first day thinking 'WHAT THE HELL DID I GET MYSELF INTO??' Needless to say, I was nervous about returning to the unit.
Thankfully, My second day was sooooo much better. I actually did really well, and learned so much. The patient was a 1 to 1 neurocritical patient. 2 EVD's, normothermia protocol, s/p coiling, basically a very sick patient but also stable enough for me to learn a lot at a reasonable pace. After yesterday, I feel so much better. I have my work cut out for me here. The work is demanding both mentally and physically, but I am ready to embrace the challenge. There are going to be many rough days, but at the end, hopefully I make a kick ass ICU nurse :)
In other news, I don't know if my priorities have changed or my interests or that I have finally gotten old... but I really have a minimal desire to go out! Actually can't remember the last time I went out dancing or the an all night rager in NYC. Maybe it is the weather that is so off-setting? I don't know but recently all I have been doing is game nights, happy hours, dinners, pretty low key nights. I still have the desire to go dancing, but that's because of my love for music and dance not clubbing. The thought of meeting the same shallow NYC people in the same venues repeating the same motions is just not appealing anymore. #overit
Also, the condo is now out of attorney review!!! #scary So, now I am diligently working on securing a mortgage, and doing the inspection, and all that other jazz. I can't believe this is actually happening... it's great but a lot to take in at the same time!
ok really need to go....
Peace out


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