
Showing posts from July, 2009

the calm before the storm

It looks like a tornado hit my room. Everything is everywhere. I still have a bunch of stuff to pack, and no motivation to pack it. The bags under my eyes are beckoning me to my bed. My pillows mock me with their sprawl. The rain lulls me into a further comatose state of indifference. Overall, I just don't know what to make of today. My last day in jersey, and i have no emotion. Not sad, not happy, not excited, not apprehensive. Seriously if I was a color I would be white. I just don't think it has hit me, and it probably won't until I land in Miami tomorrow. Tonight I say goodbye to some close friends, and tomorrow morning my mom and my sister. But i just don't see it coming? Anyways let me get some crap done... P.s. i am positive i am forgetting stuff to take down there. Kudos to my lack of planning. P.s.s I am missing the family vacay which totally bites! everyone is going to be there this time around!!!!!!! FML!

Music and My Soul

Music is medicine. Medicine for the soul. Our bodies are physical, tangible objects we can see and observe. Physical harm inflicted upon us can be readily seen and observed. But what about our mind? What about our soul? How can we assess the damage when those scars and wounds are so delicately hidden? How can we heal something so aptly concealed from our self? We can seek solace in family, friends, and loved ones. We can mask the damage with drugs. Numb the pain with indifference. Who hasn't tried one of these methods or more? I know i have. But I have finally found my drug of choice... music. Eternal, mesmerizing, beautiful music. Whatever my trouble may be, there is something to be said for music. My first experience with the power of music was at the age of thirteen. My uncle had passed away, and i was quite shattered. It was my first experience with death, and I did not know how to cope. During the wake, there were devotional songs playing in the background. Something within m

Karsh Kale

I am so sleepy! The family and I were up till 2am yesterday making basundi for Sunday's lunch. The stuff is complicated, boiling all that milk and making sure it doesn't stick is tricky! But alas my mom said it turned out well so I guess it was worth it. But now i am pretty tired at work. Two nights of sleeping at 2/3 am takes a toll. Maybe that's why i am not super psyched that i am going to see KARSH KALE tonight! I just think i am in a sleep coma of sorts! i need to wake up! But anyways tonight should be great... I love Karsh Kale's music. It takes me to some exotic, peaceful, beautiful land found only in the movies and dreams. I love how is music is a compilation of so many cultures, styles, and sounds. He is eclectic and versatile, and full of surprises. I hope he does some of his work with vocals because those songs are my favorite! I am interested to see what he will do tonight! Apart from that i am in quandary about to wear...i have so many clothes, some i

HP6 Movie Review

Last night I went to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I was not impressed at all, actually i was really disappointed. I realize the books are long and detailed filled and that directors have to be selective with what they include and what they leave out, but seriously the director failed miserably. 1. first off Dumbledore is so poorly cast its disgusting. The one in the movie is too stern, rude, abrasive to be dumbledore. Dumbledore would never hint at HP's relationship with Hermione! He would never suggest that he should let 'slughorn collect him'! wtf that was not in the book, it wasn't even remotely suggested. Dumbledore would never demean Harry in that manner. To make matters worse, this movie was one movie where the actor dumbledore needed to step up his game, and he failed. Did the actor even read the books? Biggest disappointment in the movie hands down. 2. Ginny. Harry's love interest can not act for the life of her. She is so stoic, and lacking


Harry Potter is hands down my favorite book/series of all time. I first encountered the book about eight years ago, when I received it as a Christmas Present. I was entranced within the first couple of chapters, and by the end of the night I had finished the book. The book took me beyond the confines of my immediate reality and into a alter universe filled with broomsticks, wands, and magic. I fell in love with the characters, each with their own distinct personalities and rich histories. It was hard to imagine they were not real. It was hard to believe that this world filled with this amazing magic could not so beautifully coexist with the one I lived in! And I know this sounds strange... like seriously Nandita you are reading a book , can't you snap out of it? Umm No! The book goes far beyond telling a simple story, it teaches life lessons. You are probably like you lost your mind, life lessons from a children's novel? But I am serious. Harry Potter explores the concepts of g