Circle of Life

So today i have much to talk about, much to vent about!!! I am going to make a list so that even if i don't get to it all today I will remember to talk about it later!

-cross cultural psychology- schools and racism
-my sister's friend is a HO
-children/ music/ messages
-older men/ guys and their attitude toward women
-my partying/ lifestyle habits
-new music i am excited about!

Okay let me begin....

Today in my cross-cultural psychology class we had a very interesting and equally infuriating conversation. The question/ topic we began our discussion with was basically this: What accounts for the disparity in academic achievement among races/ are some races smarter than others/ what race do you think of when you think when you think of someone who is smart in math. The class as a majority choose Asians and Indians as the people that are most likely to excel in mathematics (i choose Russians/Germans). We started discussing what might set apart the different races. We mostly all agreed that socioeconomic factors played a bigger role than race in determining academic successes. We then began talking about differences in about school funding, and this is when all hell broke loose. A Bengali guy raised his hand and basically said 'why should we give money to schools where the children don't even want to learn; when they are just going to end up on the streets or in jail, why not give money to the children who do want to learn. he went on to say alot more stupid shit... like if even they do get nice schools they will end up trashing them... and the drum rolls on'. what shocked me even more was that a couple of other people agreed with him!!! Two white guys, one paki guy, an Indian girl, and i think there was one more person but not sure! There are so many flaws in this type of stereotypical thinking! These children deserve every chance and opportunity to strive and succeed no matter of where they are from. These children are facing more than some of us can ever imagine- broken homes, little or no money, crime ridden environments, lack of proper role models, and on top of that crappy schools. These children need MORE funding than children from richer schools, not less funding!!! NOTHING WILL CHANGE if we continue with this type of thinking, all that will happen is this cycle will keep repeating. Sure changing things will take time and money, but hellooooo the future of America is worth it!! We need to take the money that was invested in the war, and reroute to the real people in need- the children. This is the land of opportunity and equality- and the greatest way to attain both of those is education. It perhaps is the greatest equalizer. I just cannot believe there are such ignorant people out there. I mean if you are not given the means to excel, and thus fail to excel, and then punished even further- how will you ever excel? Guidance, patience, funding, and people with some compassion are the only ones that will evoke any change.


i shall finish this at a later time--- my bed is calling me. =)
till a later time,


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