
Showing posts from February, 2009

La-la-la- my mundane life! =)

So i am sick thanks to my lovely younger sister. She decided to sleep in my bed while she was sick... next thing you know... within a day i am not feeling well. Arghh but besides that life is good. I have an interview with a Caribbean medical school. I am relaxing, doing well in school, and spending lots of quality time with the family. My favorite artist is coming to town, and i am going to see her! so all is well. okay i honestly do not feel like writing any longer... so peace!!!

A Breath Of fresh air!

So it is extremely windy outside. So windy to the point that my hair is flying above my head and i look crazy... think Einstein! It is quite windy, but the weather has been pleasant, and that is a nice change! I can't wait till spring and summer!! It should be a nice change, and hopefully should cheer me up. In other news, I am taking this class cross-cultural psychology and i ended getting into an argument with my professor. Now mind you this class is a breeze, I haven't done a productive thing yet. All we do is discuss culture and watch YouTube videos. So anyway the last class we somehow ended up talking about racism in the workforce. We talked about how we do not see so many African American or Hispanic professors, and how we do not see them in high ranking positions in corporations. My question was why is it that first generation Indians and Asians seem to be professors and work in corporations when they too seem face racism, arrive in the states with little money, and live...

Love Story

I heard about this two days ago, but i chose to write about it now. I have thoroughly listened to Nadia ali's "Love Story" about five times and here is my consensus: The woman is a GENIUS. The song is wonderful, different, mesmerizing, and possesses all the qualities one looks for in her music. Her voice is as intoxicating as ever, if i was man i would have long been hopelessly in love. She looks amazing in the video, and i can not wait to go see her when she performs in NYC!!! I love love love her music, she is one of my favorite artists, and this saying a lot from a self-proclaimed music lover. Her single release party is March 7 th @ hiro Ballroom in NYC!! the last concert i went to of hers was amazing. She performed at Mansion, and honestly she sounds great live. I had a blast last time, though i did get a bit carried away and had a little too much fun , what can i say her music is so sensual? =) she was a joy to watch live, and i can't wait to do it again!!! I...

Concrete Jungle

So this Saturday, I had quite the day. In the afternoon i went to NYC for a medical school seminar. i took my dad along with me. Needless to say, I was not having fun talking about my prospective future with my dad. I got back around seven and quite literally ran and got ready in ten minutes. I hate how for the past couple of times i haven't had time to get ready, i have only had a few minutes to get ready. A girl needs her time to get ready! I don't feel pretty and well put together when i don't have time to get ready. So here i am on Saturday, not in the best of moods because i am rushed and flustered, and on top of that my mom and dad decided to ask me once again about medical school! i hate when parents do that! right before you are leaving they decide they need to ask you questions about your life, but then when you are sitting at home doing nothing they have nothing to say? Parents! Anyways so we left a bit late, and we ended up at place called "The Lounge"....

Is the world going to end in 2012?

Is the world going to end in 2012? If so, can God please let me know? Because if it is going to end then to hell with medical school. Seriously this application process is too much, so much that i lost sight of why I want to be a doctor. Which got me thinking me.. maybe i don't want it that bad? Who the hell knows, all i know is my parents are starting to get anxious, and i am pretty much a wreck. I look calm on the outside, but i can't seem to let a day go by with wondering about my uncertain future. and whats worse? I am not doing much about. Its like i have already given up, like i know i won't get in so why even bother. Half the schools don't even all my stuff, and i haven't bothered to call and confirm. After the first couple of rejections i just don't care anymore. Oh man this is so sad. Okay well hopefully god sends me a sign... I am waiting!!!!!! So this weekend I watched 'THE KITERUNNER '. I thought the movie was okay, but the book was a hundred...


me and the main star of the movie. His name is Manish Me and Manu Narayan after the shooting!! Ps he was the lead in Bombay Dreams. Loved him in the show, very talented, but he needs to work on his off camera presence.


Okay so I am a bit annoyed. I have yet to receive the call for being an extra. The gig is shooting form nine to nine so there is still time but I am anxious, I really want to see a shooting!! Anyways beside that I just got out of the movie 'The Exorcist' which we are watching for class. I had to leave towards the end because i get so freaked out. I remember I saw when I was younger. It was daytime, and I was home alone. Nevertheless I was so thoroughly freaked out. I was like pretty much paralyzed on my sofa, I remember the remote being across the room and me wanting to turn off the TV but i didn't want to make the trip across the room lest anything were to happen to me. So I sat there and watched. I ended up not being able to sleep properly for two weeks, and mind you at that time me and my younger sister shared a room. Anyways I have come to believe that little girl movies scare the shit out of me. So I probably shouldn't share this, as it is pretty damn embarrassing...

helllloooo Bollywood!

So I have to get ready for college, and leave but let me highlight my day yesterday and then i shall expend on the topics at a later time! 1. Culture... what means to us... and the argument i started in class 2. my presentation for the special problems in psychology class... materialism and children 3. spring break plans?!? Miami ? Spain ? oh how i wish and now to today.... i might be an extra for a Indian American movie... it is a wedding scene! can't wait... hopefully i get to do it!!! till later, lots of love, Nandita

New Day, New Attitude!

So my mom won the war over the sheets, and I finally slept on my own bed last night! Thus I woke up refreshed and can i dare say... happy? Yes I am feeling quite good. It is sunny, and the view outside my living room window is strangely beautiful. My very own winter wonderland! Anyways today's schedule is a bit busier than the rest... I have physics lab today, which is kind of annoying. It is really easy, but kind of pointless. Pretty much just busy work. Besides that my day is a breeze. Oh by the way i began reading Henry James "turn of the screw" for class, and i can't seem to immerse myself. The book so far is quite boring, and moreover it is hard to understand what is going on. I ended up reading "Tuesdays with Morrie" last night, a second time read, after my friend let me borrow it. I realized that book is not that interesting the second time around! Oh let me talk about the music that is currently on repeat in my mp3. most of it is Indian only because ...

Boredom inspires Blogging

Hello to no one in particular, Has it really come down to this? Do i have nothing more productive to do with my life than write to myself? Who knows... but i hope that maybe this blogging might have a therapeutic effect. Honestly I have come to a point in my life where everything just seems uncertain. I remember when i was younger (about 13-14) i had envisioned my older self accomplishing so much. I wonder how my younger self would react if she had a chance to see present day me. Would she be proud of the woman i am today? Is the present day me pound of myself? I graduate this May and I have no prospective Job, no idea if i will make into medical school. I have no idea if I will ever become a doctor, and if I don't... I don't even have a back-up plan. I become moody and irritated at the mention of my future. This new me scares. Where is the faith in myself. If i have grown in the past four years, then i must also admit parts of me have regressed. Was it worth it ? Digressing f...