Mo Money Mo Problems

My darling Kulfi, car damage, paying for school,  the vacations I have planned, weddings, and tickets I received have all contributed to my bank account feeling a little under the weather. Thankfully, I am nurse so all that means is I work a little more! But between working extra shifts (and they have been extremely understaffed shifts) and maintaining my career, I am exhausted! This weekend was crazy- Three dates, two nights of going out, and one wedding- and I went to work on Sunday! My dating life has picked up...WAY TOO MUCH. What a conundrum. On one hand, I hate casual dating- it is exhausting but on the other hand if I don't date how will I meet anyone?? Also to or not to I don't have any problem meeting men out and about, but to be honest, shaadi does increase your dating pool significantly (maybe way too much?). And I have met some nice guys on that site so to hell with it, I will give it one more go. Atleast, till the end of september and then I start school all over again.  #datingproblems #whereismyprince

In other news, I am concerned about mummy's health. She has been short of breath more, and she had a slew of tests done (we are still waiting on most of the results) but her ejection fraction was found to be only about 40 %. I know this is partly residual effects of the PE but I hope its not indicative of anything more as well. I hate seeing her like this. She is such a vibrant and active person, It is such a shame to see her health slow her down. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. But god is great, and I know he is watching over our family and her health, we will be OK.

Happy Thursday

Also, I can not tolerate waking up for the clinic anymore. I am sleep deprived :(


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