I have wanted a dog all my life and now I finally have one!!! Introducing...Kulfi! She is an adorable 6 week old maltese/shih tsu mix! I got her two days ago, its so exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time! I love having her around but at the same time I have no idea if I am doing things right. Feeding, toileting, attention, etc are all so new to me. And when I went to work on Friday all I could think of all shift was how alone she was, I could not wait to go home!! I can't even imagine how mothers feel when they have to leave their babies to return to work, it must be awful. I also realized I will be 'one of those mothers'. My camera is filled with pictures of her, and I will show them to anyone who will listen. God help the world when I have my first baby!

On other news, It's pretty T-1 month till the Bachelorette/Bday trip with the girls...Can't wait! I have been spending time catching up with friends, spending time with family, spending time pursuing my hobbies, and spending time working.  Life as been ups/downs this year, but I feel like the clouds are finally parting. I am starting to have a sense of clarity that I did not have before. For awhile it felt like my heart was shattered into pieces, but now that its coming back together, its stronger and there is a sense of fortitude that was lacking before. I don't feel as fragile. I have no desire to actively seek love, but if it walks into my life, I am ready. I have been pushing away men for months, but I am ready and back in the game. P.s. for some reason some old flames have been reaching out. Umm what do you with that? Like didn't end for a reason? Are you all of sudden lonely, and want to try this again? No thanks. That shipped has sailed, and it's heading to clearer and hotter waters! Anyways, tonight I am hitting up the city. It is a beautiful day, can't wait to enjoy it in my favorite city :)
 I have an amazingly cute puppy, and my life long desire of owning a dog has been fulfilled! I am a changed woman for the better...stronger & smarter. Life is great! :)


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