BS = Better Standing

So I have realized that as of late my tolerance for bullshit is next to zero. I noticed this when recently a pretty close friend of mine started to cause trouble, and decided to hold a grudge against me over something very insignificant. Now normally if this was the first or second time he tried to pull this crap on me i wouldn't care so much and i would probably just look the other way... but he has been doing it consistently for awhile now. He cannot handle the fact that people have busy schedules independent of what he has planned for us. He acts like a girl... he pretty much complained to my close friend about me behind my back. I mean be a man, just confront me with your damn issue. Well, lets just say, I am done. I honestly don't have the time, energy, or necessity for a friend like that in my life. I will be cordial with him, but i have no desire to be as good of friends unless he decides he wants to change his personality.

Also i find myself tolerating less BS from guys. If you are not interested, or you want to play games, or you don't know what you want.... no problem! There's the door, see yourself out, and have a nice life. Bing, Bang, Boom. I am not going to wait around for you to get your act together, and trust me its not like its impossible for me to find a replacement of you... i will survive to say the least. And you know what every time when something goes wrong i blame myself, but really i need to step back and realize shit happens. I have to be easier on myself...this year i have come so far in so many different aspects. To be honest, I am quite proud of myself, and I know if i put my mind to it I can only succeed further!

On that note, I cleaned out a lot of crap from my room recently. I'd like to think as this year comes to end that I am throwing some shitty people out too. I have been blessed with an amazing circle of family and friends, getting rid of this BS does nothing but leave me in better standing.


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