Adam vs Eve

I am really looking forward to thanksgiving! good lord i want a break so bad... between school and work and other mind is ready to go on vacation! first off update on the men situation... well it seems i cannot rid of them (and not in a good way). honestly i don't understand them! first and foremost i didn't chase them, they chased me, and then when the have me hooked they want to start playing games. I am so through with the BS! I could understand if this happened once or twice but gosh it has happened so many times! Honestly if these men think that i am going to sit around and wait for them to figure out what they want they have something else coming their way. Ugh i just have never been so irritated with the male species before!! I mean just when i am getting happy, just when things are going well...they do something stupid and screw it up. Seriously, i think it is time to join the convent....


  1. Really cool way of saying
    "Screw u all men".
    BTW ,men think women are an enigma ,women (seem to) think the same about men.
    Maybe ,it ain't as complex as it may seem just..........


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