
Showing posts from January, 2019

This Land Was Made for You & Me

I am a little sad, and kind of in shock right now. I spent the day visiting a Navajo reservation on the border of Arizona and New Mexico. This was my first time spending any meaningful time on Native American lands. Even though it was a relatively quick visit, I found it very eye opening.  Approaching the reservation, I noticed multiple things. First and foremost, since I was actually pretty darn hungry- I noticed the food options available. Almost nothing but fast food or commercial dine in restaurants (Pizza hut, sizzlers, etc.) for almost a solid fifty mile radius (if not, more). I saw one non-main stream grocery store- but only one, for quite a large area of land.  Another thing you see a TON of, is ‘No Drinking and Driving’ signs. I am not talking about your normal one or two signs every so often. I am talking one almost every mile or two, in various different forms of messaging, indicating that perhaps this was a serious problem here. I also saw other sign, in...

Mi Corazon

What a whirlwind of a week. Hell, let’s be real, what a whirlwind of a month/year! Six hour flights (ugh) back to San Diego, allow for ample time to reflect and process, so let's start...  In reverse order: My week last week was pretty hectic, travelling all around the bay putting out different fires in my various accounts, but feeling generally positive. Mid-day Thursday I get a call from Papa, which I immediately take since I never get a call from him during the day. He informs me that mummy is in the hospital with chest tightness. They ran a gamut of tests, and the stress test resulted in an area of ‘reversible cardiac ischemia’. The doctor’s wanted to do a cardiac catheterization to follow up. I was immediately shaken up, and my mind began to wander in hundred different directions. Was this related to her PE’s? She didn’t have any cardiac history after all. Was her heart feeling a new strain from the blood clots? Was it a new blood clot? Was it something new all togeth...