
Showing posts from February, 2016

But, I love Bey

The other day Yera sent me a link to the new Coldplay/Beyonce Music Video. Personally, I am a fan of the song "Hymn for the Weekend", though I have to admit as much as I love my girl Beyonce, I am not really sure she adds much to the song. The collaboration must have been mostly for the upcoming Superbowl? But anyways, I watched the music video, and can honestly say, I much enjoyed it. The video is shot in India, and I thought the imagery was beautiful. I did not think for one second that anything about the video was insulting or demeaning. Actually, I didn't give the video a second thought until I read a NPR article examining the video under the broader context of cultural appropriation. Theft and Artistry: Coldplay, Beyonce in India Spark Discussion on Appropriation Truthfully, I had never even heard of the term cultural appropriation until this article. After reading quite a few articles on it, I learned that cultural appropriation general...

Count Your Blessings, Not Your Problems?

Multiple terrorist attacks have happened in various countries across the globe in the past couple of months. From Mali to France, news of death, hostages, bombs, and just general devastation have flooded our social media, news, and conversations. I am ashamed to admit it, but I have turned my head to all of it.  I live in a world, I don't understand.  For the longest time, and maybe even now, I was okay with the ignorance is bliss motion. It served me well since I was able to maintain my naive perception of the world. Anyone who knows me, knows I hate watching the news. I feel as if there is never anything positive on, and furthermore, I feel the more we watch it, the more paranoid we get about the world around us. The last thing I want to do is go through life thinking everyone has an alternative agenda, and is out to get me. I'd like to think that most people are innately good, and that there are just some rotten tomatoes among us. Of course, I do not have children...