But, I love Bey
The other day Yera sent me a link to the new Coldplay/Beyonce Music Video. Personally, I am a fan of the song "Hymn for the Weekend", though I have to admit as much as I love my girl Beyonce, I am not really sure she adds much to the song. The collaboration must have been mostly for the upcoming Superbowl? But anyways, I watched the music video, and can honestly say, I much enjoyed it. The video is shot in India, and I thought the imagery was beautiful. I did not think for one second that anything about the video was insulting or demeaning. Actually, I didn't give the video a second thought until I read a NPR article examining the video under the broader context of cultural appropriation. Theft and Artistry: Coldplay, Beyonce in India Spark Discussion on Appropriation Truthfully, I had never even heard of the term cultural appropriation until this article. After reading quite a few articles on it, I learned that cultural appropriation general...