Stranger in the Homeland
So I haven't been writing as much as I would like as of late. And trust me I have a lot to write about. Things are starting to get really tough. Class and coursework is starting to increasingly tougher, factor in being a bit homesick and the added stress of having to do well on the mini 2... well you can just say it gets hard trying to stay positive. Something i noticed during my short time here is how much the place you come from has an influence on you. I never knew our geographic background influenced our behavior so much. I have met so many people from around the country here, and honestly some of them seem to be from a different planet for me. For example, I have met many people from California here and i find relating to them difficult sometimes. The way they handles things, the music they listen to, their demeanor, there local culture all seem so foreign to me. I yearn for the familiarity and comfort that comes from a place you have known your whole life. I wonder if I am be...